Trump Party


We are celebrating Donald Trump because he has been so good to us.  September 5 at 7:00 PM Online.  Join us. Do whatever you like on your channel. 

Re-declatation of Independence

State House (Concord) 107 North Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire, United States

Join Regina Barnes and Derek Arnold to declare independence.

Trump Party


Every month, leading up to January 6th, I will host and encourage everyone to do a Trump Party online. Do whatever you want, but honor Trump for his service.

Fight Against the Machines

We are fighting against the voting machines by door knocking and standing at the transfer stations to get out the vote to do away with the voting machines.

Trump Rally

Dunkin Donuts 213 Concord St., Peterborough, New Hampshire

Every Tuesday I will be at the Dunkin Donuts on 101 in Peterborough to stand for Trump. Join me. We will be there from 3:30 - 4:30. We hold signs, plan and get out info.