
State Police


On November 16th, following the publication of Granite Grok’s story, a state trooper called Adam Cordano. The State Trooper said that she was calling because a concerned citizen called the State Police. Then, the Trooper asked to get the link to the video of Adam’s interview. 

Why would “a concerned citizen” call the State Police and why would the State Trooper need the link to the video? 

Then, the State Trooper informed Adam that the only part of his case that would be tried would be the crimes committed at YDC. She said that the statutes of limitations were up for the crimes that occurred at the home of Stan Watson. Stan Watson raped Adam in his home for over two years after leaving YDC and becoming his foster dad.

Also, Evelyn Blaze’s, the case worker who allowed Stan Watson to take Adam without a background check will not be prosecuted for her involvement. 

Why did this happen? 

The State Trooper said that he reported it to the wrong police two years ago (the State Police instead of the Allantown Police), so nothing happened and nothing will happen.

Why didn’t the State Police report this to the Allantown Police or let Adam know that he needed to report it to them? 

On November 17th, a state trooper called Adam Cordano again. This time, he wanted to know who was in the video with Adam. 

Adam didn’t give him my name or Frank’s name. 

Why was the Trooper looking for my name? If he saw the article in Granite Grok, which has the video link in it, he would already have both my name and Frank’s name. My name is in the byline and Frank’s name is linked to his YouTube channel that the video is on. 

The Trooper also told him that he shouldn’t be sharing his story, that it could affect his case. 

Adam wanted to know why he was being questioned. He also wanted to know why he couldn’t share his story. He said that there are other kids telling their stories. 

I spoke to Frank Staple who has studied the Constitution, and he said that there were a few problems with the state troopers calling Adam. 

  1. The troopers weren’t investigating anything new or of importance. 
  2. Adam talking to Frank and I was not illegal.
  3. Our reporting is protected under the 1st Amendment

This past week (November 25), I also received a friend request from a military man flexing his muscles and some other suspicious activity on Facebook.

Read the interview and watch the video that sparked this interaction.

Watch the Facebook live that we did to talk about this interaction.

Governor Sununu and NH State Police were reported for crimes against Monica Holm and other individuals. Read all of the details below and how you can speak out against their crimes. We the People must stand up against tyranny and this is our chance. 

Sununu and NH State Police Reported for Crimes – October 9, 2022

On Friday, October 9th, Terese Grinnell walked into the Attorney General’s office in Concord to report crimes that the state police perpetrated under the direction of Governor Sununu on October 13th in 2021. 

Freedom of the Press questioned: 

Upon arrival at the Attorney General’s office, she was filming and the people with her were also filming. The individuals at the Attorney General’s office were uncomfortable with her filming. Those with her mentioned that it was unusual for the government to be held responsible for their crimes and therefore didn’t expect to be filmed. 

Sununu and NH State Police Reported for Crimes

Terese was escorted outside to speak in private with Dan Moderos, an investigator from the Attorney General’s office, and she reported the crimes that occurred on October 13th. 

Terese stated that at the Police Academy in Concord on October 13th 2021, Monica Holm was kidnapped. She was zip-tied and thrown into a paddy wagon by the state troopers. 

Monica Holm’s arrest was deemed unlawful by the courts. 

After Terese reported the crime, the investigator asked Terese why she hadn’t reported the crime before. The crime was not reported at the time because the state arrested Monica Holm and the charges had to be dropped before the crime could be reported. Thus, they had to wait to report Governor Sununu and the State Police’s crimes.

Another crime occurred – a retired preschool teacher had her head bashed into concrete.

Terese continued reporting other crimes on October 13th. She stated that a seventy-year old retired preschool teacher, Kathleen Michell Barr Bussiere, had her head bashed into concrete. 

The investigator seemed like he didn’t believe that Terese was actually reporting a crime or that an investigation was warranted. In fact, Terese had to repeat the crime twice because the investigator must have looked at her doubtfully or with disbelief. 

Why did Terese report Sununu and the NH State Police’s crimes?

Terese wanted to report Sununu and the NH State police for these crimes because it is a crime to kidnap someone and bash a person’s head into concrete.

Furthermore, she wanted to encourage others who are fighting for freedom to stand up with courage. She wanted people to know that just because someone is in a place of authority, it doesn’t mean they should be held to a different standard or that we should be afraid of them. 

Also, she wants to encourage everyone to speak up for future generations. 

She said, “If we don’t stand up, they will continue to take away our freedom.”