
October 2023


Why, NH, would a for-profit company donate $20,420 to the government for upkeep?

Why is the CDC getting money for child vaccination? The vaccine isn’t effective, and it causes serious health problems.
I will call and complain today. Who is with me? By law, the government must uphold the general welfare. This is not complying with the Constitution.

On October 10th, survivors of the Sununu Center / YDC gathered to talk about their experiences and call for a federal investigation.

One woman talked of being impregnated by her therapist there and being forced to terminate her pregnancy.

Nothing has been done to rectify the 170 years of abuse and torture, although much has come to light.

Many of the perpetrators are still employed by the state and working with children.

Another man talked about getting his head smashed against every surface in his cell and being left there for 10 days without any medical attention.

The survivors would love your support to force a federal investigation. They are also asking for financial support, as the effort to bring awareness is costly.

Join the Facebook group by finding the group YDC Victim Advocate.

On October 10, there will be a rally at the capital for the abuse victims of the Sununu Center from 2:30-6PM. There was a rally on September 27th and at that that rally, victims shared their stories and a whistleblower shared her story. Cases of sexual and physical abuse date back to the founding. What the victims want is a federal investigation into the case.

According to many of the victims, the state was notified about abuses repeatedly and did nothing, so it isn’t prudent for the state to investigate the state. Instead, the victims want the federal government to intervene and handle the case. 

Last year, around this time, I interviewed both Frank Staples and Adam Cordero who are victims of the center. Adam’s story is harrowing. He was sexually abused every night by a night guard, and then the night guard was allowed to take him from the center to his house where he had full access to abuse him. The individual who okayed that transfer, Evelyn Blaze, became the head of DCYF. She is no longer the head, but she has not faced any consequences for that decision. 

At the September 27th, rally there were just about 50 people at the rally, but we hope for a larger turnout for the October 10th rally. Come to show your support and sign a petition to have the federal government investigate the crimes. Let’s shoot for 100 people at this rally.

The spending report came out, and we need to check on some things.

Why does the Sununu Center need to increase their staffing budget by $500,000? Why is it still open?

How many people receive care at the House of Hope? What kind of care do they receive?

Why do our taxes go to the schools? It is outlawed by article 6 in the Constitution. The founding fathers didn’t want one group of people to brainwash our children. Is that happening now?

Unfortunately, apparently they amended our state Constitution many times to change the Constitution. It got worse with the. Clairmont Decision. In that decision, they decided that taxpayers had to pay for whatever they decided.

What is the solution? Litigation.

I will get back to you on what you can do.