
February 2023


Who were Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s clients? That’s what everyone wants to know. Soon the whole list will be revealed, but the internet is buzzing about it already.

While the list hasn’t been revealed, flight records from Epstein’s plane, the Lolita Express and photo evidence point to some names:

  1. Prince Andrew
  2. Bill Clinton
  3. Chris Tucker
  4. Kevin Spacey
  5. Bill Gates
  6. Alan Dershowitz

The internet is also linking Donald Trump because he attended a party with Epstein and was photographed. In my opinion, if one rich guy takes a photo with another rich guy, that doesn’t mean that there is any wrong-doing.

Yet, flight records to a private island would indicate a problem.

Gislaine Maxwell also has a link to New Hampshire. From, you will find that Bill Shaheen was her lawyer.

Why was Jeanne Shaheen’s husband defending a notorious sex offender, and why was Gislaine Maxwell discovered hiding in New Hampshire?