
Freedom Day


On June 22, we will have another Freedom Day. This time, we will be working on a social media marketing campaign that we will roll out for the summer.

We will also be working on putting together an event for the 7th of July. The event will be on the Seacoast. The purpose of the event is to raise money for Liberty-minded candidates.

Meet at 8 AM to run. The run is a 10K around the city of Concord. There will be prizes and T-shirts for sale. The cost of the event is $15. All proceeds go to the local soup kitchen.

At 12:00 PM we will have lunch at street venders. Meet back at the capital to plan.

At 2:30 PM we will explore Market Days together.

Share the event.

Join us for NH Freedom Day, which will happen bimonthly on the 4th Saturday of the month.

The first one is on April 27th. It will begin at 9 AM with a run around downtown Concord. The run will be a 5K and begin at the capital and end at the capital.

Then we will have lunch shortly after that at Tuckers on South Street.

Then, we will all go back to the capital for some capture the flag.