
January 2023


On November 8, everyone was ready for a red wave. We the People NH had been campaigning for Resolve candidates day and night, the American people were fed up with inflation and soaring gas prices and Biden’s administration had one of the worst approval rating.

So, why did the Democrats win?

The college vote really made a difference. There was a huge number of same day registrations for voting, and the issues of abortion and forgiving college debt turned the tide.

Was there voting fraud?

There were many recounts, and I reported on one of them. To me, just from that one recount, there was voter fraud.

However, the Commission for Voter Confidence put out a report that said that there wasn’t any voter fraud, but even Secretary of State Ken Scanlan who is on the Commission didn’t agree with the findings. He will put out his own report with the truth.

The Brunson Brothers, Loy and Raland Brunson filed two identical lawsuits, stating that a lot of evidence was brought before members of Congress that the elections were rigged, and Congress did nothing about it. Because Congress didn’t investigate, they committed an act of treason.

The brothers are seeking to remove President Biden, Vice President Camila Harris and former Vice President Mike Pence and 385 members of Congress.

Why those 388 people? When people were claiming that the elections were rigged, Congress had 10 days to investigate those claims. All of those 388 people decided to not investigate the elections. That was 89% of congress who voted to not investigate.

If the suit is successful, the defendants would be removed from office, fined and possibly imprisoned with charges of treason. They would never be allowed to run for political office again.

Moreover, the elections would have to be redone for both 2020 and 2022.

Raland’s lawsuit has made it to the Supreme Court and will go to conference on January 6, 2023. All nine justices will vote on whether the case will move forward to trial. If four justices vote that it should go to trial, it will go to trial.

Read the entire lawsuit (Case #22-380) by clicking on the link.

We are rallying around this case by sending letters to both the Brunson brothers and the Supreme Court.–dec-11-2022-juan-o-savin-send-2-letters-wethepeople-must-do-our-part.html

Use this template to do that –

By writing your letter, you are showing the Supreme Court that you support the case and want the case to go to trial. The brothers are asking you to send one to them as well so that they can count how many people wrote letters.

All you have to do is follow the directions on the link above and we could nullify the elections of 2020 and 2022. Moreover, you would be giving patriots the opportunity to take those seats in Congress.

Loy calls this a bloodless revolution. We have an opportunity to take back our country, and you can be a part of it.

Update on the Letters to the Brunson Brothers

As of December 24th, the brothers received 44,000 letters. Check out Raland’s website to see updates.